Guest Host


The Guest Host is like the host of a good party – making everyone feel welcome and helping with introductions. It’s all about great hospitality, thinking about what would make a guest’s visit even better, and who you can introduce them to. The first time anyone visits a Toastmasters club is quite nerve-wracking, so arrive early to help us be the most welcoming of clubs!  Introduce yourself to people who are sitting on their own and connect guests to existing members.

How can you give our guests the most enjoyable Early Bird experience?

The Guest Host also coordinates the Extended Introduction and has the honour of introducing the guests during the meeting as well as counting the votes for the awards.

In a professional context, the skills developed in this role can assist with networking, hospitality and customer focus.

On the day

Before the meeting

  • Arrive at 6:30AM!
  • Coordinate with Reception in meeting and greeting guests and explaining how the meetings run and what Toastmasters is about. A good place to base yourself is by the Reception desk upstairs.
  • Help network guests with members so they feel welcome and involved.
  • If an Extended Introduction is on the agenda, chat with the Aspiring Member (or Member) who will be delivering it and make sure that they understand how you will introduce them during the meeting. Ask the Extended Introduction speaker not to stand during the general guest introduction, as they will be given their own time to speak.
  • Locate the brown guest book.
  • Assign some helpers to assist you with collecting the votes and delegate a section of the room for them to cover. It’s a big audience to get around in 30 seconds.

During the meeting


Introducing the guests

  • When you are introduced by the Toastmaster, explain your role (i.e. assisting with guest introductions and collecting votes).
  • Explain to the guests how you’d like them to introduce themselves. Typically
    • To give their name.
    • … and the answer to a short question of your choosing e.g. What do you hope you get out of this meeting? What brought you along this morning? What is your favourite dish?
  • Introductions need to be kept brief, so that the segment does not overrun and limit the time available for force a shortened Table Topics session. Choose a question that can be answered succinctly. You might want to ask the guests to keep their introductions to under 10 seconds and/or give an example introduction yourself.
  • Warmly invite all the guests to stand and lead an encouraging round of applause
  • Start the introductions with a guest who has visited before.
  • When a guest has finished their introduction, thank them and move on to the next guest.
  • When the final guest has been introduced, lead another round of applause
  • If there is an Extended Introduction explain the segment to the audience and invite the speaker to take the stage to deliver their introduction. They have 1 minute for their introduction.
  • Upon conclusion, lead the applause and retake the stage.
  • Finally, show the guests the guest book and ask guests to fill in their comments after the meeting.
  • You might also wish to point out who the Vice President Membership is for any membership enquiries guests might have.

The votes

  • After each section (Table topics, Speeches and Evaluations), be ready to collect the votes and hand collection buckets to your assistants.
  • Count the votes and fill out the certificates. The President will sign them.
  • Having a tied vote is OK – you can get extra certificates from the kit box. It’s prefferable however not to have an obvious “last” place so consider saving your own vote to act as a tiebreaker in these circumstances.
  • Pass the certificates to the President as soon as possible during the General Evaluation. 


After the meeting

  • Try and catch the guests to fill in the comment book.
  • For any questions from guests about membership, you can introduce them to the Vice President Membership (VPM) or the President.